Pomegranate Syrup

Pomegranate Syrup

Pomegranate Syrup

Pomegranate Syrup is not always easy to come by – but with a little time it is quite simple to make and brings a tart clear fruit filled flavor to salads, lamb and even fish.  We also use this in seltzer for a sophisticated “Soda Water’, cocktails or to spike orange juice for breakfast.  If you don’t have the time to peel pomegranates you can often buy the seeds in contains ready to use.  But I caution you not to try this with commercial pomegranate juice as it has been processed and there is no natural pectin to give you the viscosity of a proper syrup.


4 Pomegranates

1/2 cup Sugar

1 T Lemon Juice

1. The most import thing to use is fresh pomegranates – bottled pomegranate juice will not give you the pectin level that will produce a syrup.

2. Peel and reserve the pomegranate seeds.

Pomegranate Seeds

3. The pomegranate seeds can easily be juiced in a juicer. Four pomegranates should render 2 cups of juice.

4. allow the juice to rest and skim any foam.

Pomegranate Juice

5. Add the lemon and sugar to the juice and cook on top of the stove over a low heat until reduced by 2/3’s or approximately 3/4 of a cup.

6. Test the syrup by checking to see if it coats the back of a spoon. It should pool like caramel syrup.

7.  Reserve the syrup.  It can be used on roasts, in stews & salads and can be refrigerated for 2 weeks.

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